Wednesday, 21 August 2019

The International Sharing of Kindness with Taff Rocks

When Taff Rocks put out a call for 'rockers' / rock painters, to take part in a header project, little did we realise just how far it would go!

Friday, 16 August 2019

Daisy-Eyed Smileys

The daisy-eyed smiley is a simple, little creation that anyone can have a go at.  All you need is some imagination with the background colour because, in all fairness, it's the various colours that make these look amazing.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Rock Wombling - Womble Up The Trash!

Taff Rocks challenges you to become an environmental hero! By taking part in some Rock Wombling and Wombling up the trash as you go about rock hunting / hiding, we can help maintain our green spaces and environment.

By clicking on the image above, you will be able to read some basic safety guideline. 

Thank you to Jake from Keep Wales Tidy for putting these guidelines together for us and thank you also to Amy and FoDRocks for allowing Taff Rocks to use the Rock Wombling name.

Why not share your images of your Wombling exploits on our Facebook page too?