Wednesday 5 February 2020

Our Fundraising Platform Is Changing

Since Taff Rocks began, we have used the Golden Giving fundraising platform for all our online secure fundraising and donation needs. This platform prides itself on its #ethicalgiving

Recently, Golden Giving released a new platform, branded as People's Fundraising. They have made major improvements and it's looking good. This new platform will be developed more than the Golden Giving platform, although they will both run side-by-side for the foreseeable future.

Their ethical giving ethos remains an essential one!

For you, the prospective fundraiser or one of our much loved supporters, this new platform is easier than the other.

Taff Rocks will be migrating / duplicating our fundraising pages etc and they will run on both platforms until the platform owners decide when they end the Golden Giving side.

Our fundraisers will primarily be added to People's Fundraising but you can use both for donations and gifts etc.

The links, that will enable you to run a fundraiser for us, are easier to navigate. So, if you'd like to run your own sponsored event, create a fundraiser for Taff Rocks, please use our People's Fundraising platform first, but there's nothing stopping you from using the Golden Giving platform!

The fundraising portion of this website will be changing soon to incorporate both platform links and ensure that it does not cause confusion during the migration process.

So, if you want to:
on our secure People's Fundraising platform, please feel free to visit our wall here or by using the links above

But, as previously mentioned, you can still do all of this via Golden Giving

Please be patient with us during this migration process.

When preparing your fundraiser, donation or other pages, please remember to add Taff Rocks as the beneficiary. You can decide on the percentage that you raise for Taff Rocks eg 100% or share with another organisation (this is one of the new features on People's Fundraising)

* When creating a raffle you, as the promoter, must provide your name and address by law, this will be displayed on the raffle ticket purchase email notification.

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